SKORLOTO 2008 (v8.0) COMBINATOR (v 6.0 for LINUX) PROJECT : QT/C++

SKORLOTO 2006 Combinator (Windows XP/VISTA) VB 5.0, VB 6.0, VB.NET

SKORLOTO 2006 COMBINATOR (v5.3) in Turkish     6/49 Lotto Combination Generator
      Recent Version: SKORLOTO 2006 Combinator, v5.3

            SKORLOTO 6/49 Cube LogoSKORLOTO 417 v1.4.0 for Linux (KDE 3.5 Screenshot)
   WINDOWS XP / VISTA users: SKORLOTO 2006 Combinator in Turkish : combinator2006.html

   or SKORLOTO 417 Combinator v4.3 in English:

Skorloto 417 v1.3.1 Windows XP Screenshot

Skorloto 417 v1.3.1 Pardus 2008 KDE Screenshot


SKORLOTO v1.3.1 Windows XP Screenshot

SKORLOTO v1.3.1 Pardus 2008 KDE Screenshot

Linux Project Stages:
  1. Skorloto 417 v1.3 (Simplest, Initial Version)
  2. Skorloto 2008 Randomizer
  3. Skorloto 2008 Combinator

Trolltech Qt 4 and C++ project files of v1.3.1:

Skorloto 417 v1.3.2 Windows XP Screenshot

Skorloto 417 v1.3.2 Pardus 2008 KDE Screenshot


SKORLOTO v1.3.2 Windows XP Screenshot

SKORLOTO v1.3.2 Pardus 2008 KDE Screenshot

Trolltech Qt 4 and C++ project files of v1.3.2:

For linux: load/use Qt 4 and GNU C++ packages...
For pardus: use pisi package manager to load/use them...
For windows: download Qt 4 and MinGW at above sites...

Skorloto 417 v1.3.3 Windows XP Screenshot

Skorloto 417 v1.3.3 Pardus 2008 KDE Screenshot


SKORLOTO v1.3.3 Windows XP Screenshot

SKORLOTO v1.3.3 Pardus 2008 KDE Screenshot

Trolltech Qt 4 and C++ project files of v1.3.3:


Skorloto 417 v1.4.0 Windows XP Screenshot

Skorloto 417 v1.4.0 Pardus 2008 KDE Screenshot


SKORLOTO v1.4.0 Windows XP Screenshot

SKORLOTO v1.4.0 Pardus 2008 KDE Screenshot

Trolltech Qt 4 and C++ project files of v1.4.0:


 /* Skorloto 417 for Linux C++ project files:
main.cpp, frmSkorloto.ui (QT 4 designer file), frmSkorloto.h, frmSkorloto.cpp, (QT project file) 
    Run those (qmake/make) commands at command prompt/shell, in skorloto directory:
  1- skorloto $ qmake -project (or /usr/qt/4/bin/qmake -project) ... creates "" file
    2- skorloto $ qmake (or /usr/qt/4/bin/qmake) ... builds "Makefile"
   3- skorloto $ make
    (Trolltech QT 4 is required for compiling this project. Also, for Windows, MinGW compiler is required.)
    (finally, if there is no error)
skorloto $ ./skorloto  (to run the program)

DOWNLOAD QT4/C++ Linux Project (Alpha/Initial Stage) Files:

See Pardus 2008 desktop image (screenshot) with running skorloto program: skorloto_2008_1.jpg

FILE : frmSkorloto.cpp  (v1.3.1)

/* (C)opyright: Erdogan Tan (29/9/2008)
   SKORLOTO 417 6/49 Lotto Assistant Program (MS Windows & VB : 1996-2007)
   Originally, it was programmed with Visual Basic 3.0 and then VB 5.0, 6.0 & VB.NET
   Pardus/Linux QT4/C++ Version 1.3.1 Alpha
  (Derivated from -Compatible with-  SKORLOTO 417 MS Windows Version 1.2, VB 5.0 Code)

#include <QtGui> 
#include "frmSkorloto.h"

frmSkorloto::frmSkorloto(QWidget *parent) : QDialog (parent)
	connect(cmdDraw, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GetRandomBall())); 

int ball(int);
int bag[50];
bool sbag[50];

void frmSkorloto::GetRandomBall()

int ball(int r) {
     int x = 0;
     int n;
     if (r) {
	int y = bag[(rand()%bag[0])+1];
	sbag[y] = false;
	bag[0] = 0;
	for (n=1; n<50; n++) {
	    if (sbag[n] == true) { 
	          x += 1;
	          bag[x] = n;
	          bag[0] += 1;
        return y;
    else { 
	for (n=1; n<50; n++) {
	    bag[n] = n;
        return 0;

FILE : main.cpp   (v1.3.1)

/* (C)opyright: Erdogan Tan (29/9/2008)
   SKORLOTO 417 6/49 Lotto Assistant Program (MS Windows & VB : 1996-2007)
   Originally, it was programmed with Visual Basic 3.0 and then VB 5.0, 6.0 & VB.NET
   Pardus/Linux QT4/C++ Version 1.3.1 Alpha
  (Derivated from -Compatible with-  SKORLOTO 417 MS Windows Version 1.2, VB 5.0 Code)

#include <QApplication>
#include "frmSkorloto.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    frmSkorloto *dialog = new frmSkorloto;
    return app.exec();

FILE : frmSkorloto.h   (v1.3.1)

/* (C)opyright: Erdogan Tan (29/9/2008)
   SKORLOTO 417 6/49 Lotto Assistant Program (MS Windows & VB : 1996-2007)
   Originally, it was programmed with Visual Basic 3.0 and then VB 5.0, 6.0 & VB.NET
   Pardus/Linux QT4/C++ Version 1.3.1 Alpha
  (Derivated from -Compatible with-  SKORLOTO 417 MS Windows Version 1.2, VB 5.0 Code)


#include "ui_frmSkorloto.h"
class frmSkorloto : public QDialog, public Ui::frmSkorloto
    frmSkorloto(QWidget *parent = 0);
public slots:
    void GetRandomBall();

Last Update: 6-10-2008

The old Tristar Red Sector (penthouse hot numbers -dos game- crack) Intro